
Implementing data-driven, action-oriented solutions to challenging business problems

I am a business-minded data scientist with demonstrated skills to infer worthy insights through data analytics and exceptional statistical predictive models. I am a proficient problem solver with more than two years of experience in software engineering within the financial and healthcare industries.

I am also a full-stack Software Engineer with a passion for cleanly written, organized, and well-tested code. I have an extraordinary passion for Python as a data analysis language.

I have experience using Javascript, Ruby, R, Java, and their frameworks. I’ve developed many applications in many languages, especially in the financial industry. My background in mechanical engineering helped me to improve my capabilities as a Software Engineer within healthcare and financial industries.

I like to learn by reading and to convey the learning skills via writing. I have a blogpost on Medium - Kindly check it out. Many followers find it useful to them.

You can download a brief version of my Resume as PDF.


- Analytical language: R, Python, JavaScript
- Big Data/Cloud: Google Cloud, AWS, lambda, Spark, Hadoop
- Visualization: D3j-react
- Database Management: NoSQL, Couch Database, Oracle Database, SQLite, MongoDB
- Statistical models: data and quantitative analysis, predictive modeling, ML-algorithms
- Miscellaneous: Agile/Scrum Methodology, API design, Git, Paas, ECP, Jenkins, Docker, Travis-CI

Selected work experience

year what
2019 — 2019 Software Engineer
CarOpp, New York, USA

Leading a team of developers to develop and maintain a backend/frontend stack for car rental management application.
2018 — 2019 Software EngineerII
Cognizant, New York, USA

I assisted in developing new software to provide more productive ways of interacting with the model. Additionally, I was responsible for analyzing software usability and performance to improve functionality. I delivered software solutions consistent with the product roadmap and release plan milestones through the agile environment. I worked with the quality engineers to sync unit tests with integration tests before deploying. I was involved in writing an SQL query for data extraction and management (MySQL and PostgreSQL). I managed an elastic search query for a recommendation based on specific criteria. Too, I was qualified to draft 100+ instructional documents.
2009 — 2015 Senior Mechanical engineer

Responsible for designing equipment for the Pharma industry
2007 — 2009 Maintenance Engineer
Proctor and Gamble


year what
2019 — Intended Dec2020 MSc in Data Science, The City University of New York - GPA 4.0/4.0
2018 — 2018 Software Engineering bootcamp, Flatiron school New York
2002 — 2007 BA in Mechanical Engineering, Cairo University


Data science

title short_title GitHub stack
Home credit default risk

A Kaggle competition to predict how capable each applicant is of repaying a loan. The objective of this model is to use historical loan application data to predict whether or not an applicant will be able to repay a loan. Manual feature engineering has been used by utilizing advanced pandas data manipulation and aggregation functions. GitHub-Repo Python, ML,Bigdata, Feature engineering
Predicting house prices - Kaggle

Utilized different advanced types of regression to predict the final price of each home with more than 70 explanatory independent variables. GitHub-Repo R, EDA, Advance regression Analysis
Titanic desaster analysis

a predictive model in R using Machine learning algorithms to predict the survivals from titanic - Model accuracy 0.789 -> top 24% of submission GitHub-Repo R
A Socio-Economic Investigation into Crime

a statistical predictive study to investigate crimes in NYC and predict number of crimes based on the unemployment rate GitHub-Repo R, ML
spam-ham document classification filter

Applying multiple unsupervised machine learning algorithms to classify documents as spam or ham GitHub-Repo R, NPL, Classification
UN-migration stock analysis

Used tidyverse in R to transform wide tables into long version. Applied ggmap to illustrate population capacity accoss multiple countries GitHub-Repo R
Best data science skills

Scrape multiple job posting platform and extract the most common required skills for a data scientist position using ML techniques like bag of words. GitHub-Repo R, ML

Web development

title short_title GitHub stack

Is a Ruby on Rails application platform for students to manage their study GitHub-Repo Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Postgres
Todo App

A web application built in Ruby with Sinatra framework, it is a task manager app to list what you have to do. GitHub-Repo Ruby, postgres

A web application built in NodeJS backend and ReactJS as a frontend to purchase email credits for campaign surveys GitHub-Repo Nodejs, Express, React, Redux


  1. This website is done by R-markdown and pagedown package using R↩︎